Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanks giving...only one day a year?

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! In fact, it was so full I ran out of time to put up my Thankgiving blog post(sorry) I was also full of food for about two days but, that is a different subject.
This is one of my favorite holidays. I always stuff myself with pumpkin pie. Although this may be a bad habit, I only do it once a year so...I know, I can't justify it but I enjoy the pie anyway!
Really, I am very thankful for all the blessings I have including pie and Thanksgiving day is a wonderful opportunity for me to brag about all those blessings and my Jesus that gave them to me. However, I was surprised how un-thankful so many other people seemed to be. Even in the stores! They only had fall decorations up for a week then up went Santa and the Christmas trees. What a greedy generation! "Hurry up and eat the turkey!" they say, "So we can open presents!" Who cares about the One who really cares about us as long as "santa" give us what we want. Oh please.
I get so aggravated this time of year and I will say why in my Santa post that will be coming up but...back to Thanksgiving.
I had a good time and I am still thankful today for all the things I was thankful for then. Maybe even slightly more thankful. For, each day that passes reminds me of how precious the next day will be. I will be 18 next year and I get a little emotional when I think about everything that means. Growing up...(sigh) Someone told me that growing old was inevitable but growing up was a choice. I guess that's true. I am just very thankful that I can just trust my God with these issues and enjoy life!

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