Tuesday, July 20, 2010


A little white dove,
The calm after a storm,
A gentle breeze on a lazy day.
No, not my Peace.
My Peace is...
A serenity deep within your soul,
That while all hell rages you know,
You are safe.
You are protected.
You are loved.
That is my Peace.

Most folks think you obtain Peace by forsaking war,
Or by giving to the poor,
Or even simply saying a prayer.
But that's not how you get Peace, 
Not my Peace.
My Peace is a taste of Heaven on earth,
Obtained only through a change of heart.
A change caused by conviction,
Brought on by repentance.
Settled in your soul through trust.
For by grace are saved through faith.
Not by works of righteousness that we have done.
Lest any man should boast.
Therefore being justified by faith,
we have Peace,
Peace with God,
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
My piece of Peace.

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